If you missed the last one…
Let’s be fair right from the start and admit: Pulp fiction, all Pulp fiction hates snakes. The old Detective story in the style of Sax Rohmer had evil and invisible enemies strike with poisonous animals. An asp in your bed and the underworld fiend laughs from the shadows. The Western was no better with cowpokes shooting rattlers all the time. If you wanted to insult someone you called him a sidewinder. Giant and dangerous snakes appear on the cover of Weird Tales at least nine times. Even the Sci-Fi magazines of old had their share. Fantastic Adventures featured them on several prominent covers. So, there, we said it. Snakes are Pulp.
Read the rest:
Why Did It Have To Be Snakes? Sword & Sorcery’s Dislike of Snakes
Sword & Sorcery from RAGE machine Books