L. Sprague de Camp was an old hand at Fantasy by the 1970s. The Conan pastiche business had slowed down since the 1960s but he and Lin Carter still wrote the occasional story. He expanded his Novaria series in novels but explored a new setting in short story form for a world he called Neo- Napolitanian. In these stories de Camp uses painfully archaic languages (these and thous) but with effect. He has written on composing Fantasy and the error of doing this in non-humorous stories. I can only assume he breaks this rule here for laughs.
The first short story was “Two Yards of Dragon” in Flashing Swords #3 edited by Lin Carter for Dell Books 1976. Eudoric and his man-servant Jillo go to far Pathenia to hunt a dragon so Eudoric can marry the sweet Lusina. At first they have no success, losing Eudoric’s destrier, then attempting to kill the beast with a gunpowder gun. By accident the gunpowder explodes and blows the dragon’s stomach out. Forest wardens arrest Eudoric and Jillo for hunting out of season without a license.
If you’d like to read the rest, please check out Monster 2: From the Pages of Dark Worlds Quarterly.