Rich Buckler (1949-2017) is another superhero artist who dabbled in S&S in the 1970s with “The Bloodstaff” (which he also wrote) (Eerie #29, September 1970) and “Shadow of the Sword” (Hot Stuf’ #1, Summer 1974). He drew Conan in “The Fiend From the Forgotten City” (Conan the Barbarian #40, July 1974). Later he drew The Warlord #89-90, 97 (1985) and “A Matter of Vengeance” Epic Illustrated #29 (April 1985). He finally got to draw Conan again in “The Devourers” in Savage Sword of Conan #182 (1991). Rich was known for covers and he did many including Seaboard’s Barbarians Featuring Ironjaw #1.
“The Bloodstaff”
“Shadow of the Sword”
“The Fiend From the Forgotten City”

The Warlord
“A Matter of Vengeance”
“The Devourers”
