Swords of Fire 2 on Kindle! In the words of Charlton Heston, “You finally really did it!” Yup, eleven years later, a second volume in the Swords of Fire series. Once again, four storytellers present 15,000 word novellas of Swords and Sorcery in lands long forgotten or never were. And all wrapped up in a wonderful M. D. Jackson cover with four black & white illustrations.
You’ll meet old friends and make some new ones. Jack Mackenzie gives you another roaring tale of Sirtago and Poet, and this time, Poet is telling of their adventure as champions on a quest to kill a wizard. Also back is Michael Ehart’s award nominated Ninshi, a woman of ancient Babylon who bears a curse but great power too. (Michael wasn’t in Swords of Fire 1 but did appear in Dark Worlds Magazine.)
New to our pages are David A. Hardy’s Cingetorix, a Roman gladiator and the future king of the Grove of Nemi. As with all of David’s wonderful stories, history comes alive in a tale of the golden past and dark magic. Also new to the block are the farseer Emerrant and his unwilling sidekick, Aberdin Vol, a mysterious man known to some as The Falcon. When the wizards and witches of Stormcock begin disappearing, these two must solve the mystery and defeat a terrible enemy.
“Gladiator King” by David A. Hardy
“Through Dungeons Deep” by Jack Mackenzie
“The Daughter of Lilith” by Michael Ehart
“The Work We Have In Hand” by G. W. Thomas
Check it out on Kindle here
Available in paperback soon!

Of course, if you missed Swords of Fire 1, don’t worry. That’s available on Kindle too.