The necromancer Tin and his band of assassin friends are back in the sequel to The Masterless Apprentice!

The Masterless Assassin continues the adventures of Tinariwen of Astinda, a necromancer who spent three hundred years trapped in a glass sphere. Tin has found it a strange time where no one practices the magic of death. Joining forces with a band of assassins he faced off against an elder evil and won his place in this new world. Now set on a good life on a vineyard with his new wife, Lenara, the necromancer faces off with the cult of the Lightseekers, religious zealots bent on ruling the local populace with cruelty and lightning. Tin, Lenara, Kino and the others must survive the attacks of this new force, a daunting task when they have a dracon! But the Assassin’s Guild isn’t entirely helpless for they have a new ally in Sandra, a young woman blessed with natural luck that makes her unstoppable.
The romp continues. Jack Mackenzie said of the last book: “…a rollicking adventure that moves at a breakneck pace.”
If you missed the first book, check it out here.
And yes, there will be a third and final book (in 2025) called Masterless Apex, which will make fans of this series happy to know. Too much fun to miss.
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