Damon Knight once reviewed a book thusly: “a plot that is kept in motion solely by the fact that everyone involved is an idiot.” That very phrase could be applied to Under the Dome. Let’s be honest right up front. Under the Dome is probably the stupidest show on TV. Any reasonable person would say – even science fiction and horror fans who have a much higher resistance to silliness – this show is garbage, let’s watch something else. Despite this voice of reason in my head (and my wife’s voice in my ears), I watch it anyway.

In Season One we had faith in Stephen King. We thought, okay this is strange but slowly we will get answers. At this point we thought, “King has a plan.” We trusted him because he gave us so many great thrills in the past. And there was a book – which I haven’t read – but perusing its pages I see familiar names and characters, even if they’ve been changed a bit. (Though I noticed the show was never sold as Stephen King’s Under the Dome. Oddly, Steven Spielberg hasn’t been very vocal about his involvement either. Hmm…) Still, 11.2 million viewers in Season One.
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